Thursday, October 27, 2005
Re earlier post 'Comment Rant'
They [Blogger folks] fixed it !!!
Monday, October 17, 2005
RSS Feeds - What are they and how do I deal with them
So, what are they and how do I deal with them?
Well it depends on what you want to do. Do you want to get automatic updates whenever I publish a new post, or do you want to have your Blog RSS capable?
Reading RSS Feeds
For this you need an RSS Reader (I use an Open Source and therefore free reader - It is simple to instal and use
It comes with a large number of feeds already available - new, sport etc and you can add any feed you like.
You also receive notification when feeds (web site RSS feeds) are updated
Have your Blog RSS capable
To make your own Blog RSS capable, you need to subscribe to a feed aggregator (I use FeedBurner, which is free.
You sign up and enter your Blog address (it works with Blogger).
Periodically FeedBurner checks on your postings and makes them available (aggregated) to folks who use a reader
Give it a only live once ;-)
Sunday, October 16, 2005

Saturday, October 15, 2005
Photo Competition
Harphampix are having a Photo Competion on the theme of "Street Furniture" Really thought this should go in ;-)
It is a sculpture in Ottawa in Canada called "Maman"
Competition details below
Friday, October 14, 2005
Photos of Scotland
you can find it here
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Another Blogging Beachhead!
Hopefully updates are working and I'll be able to see this when I request fedd update from FeedReader
Monday, October 10, 2005
Fun with Photography
Signature Swan
Friday, October 07, 2005
My favourite Scottish beach

This has to be my favourite beach in Scotland! It is a short drive from where I live, local to a number of towns and yet not many people are aware of its I'm not going to share its location with the Web!!
Nature abounds year round and it always makes me feel so much better when I've gone there
Blue Sky Flying

Something cheerful after my rant in the previous post ;-)
This was shot early June on a boat trip around the 1000 islands in Ottawa in Canada.
I'd like to say I have the kind of expensive camera equipment that allows you to get these kind of shots, but it was truely a happy accident that I caught the gull.
Getting the shot in focus was more of a miracle ;-))
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Comment Rant
I like the concept of receiving comments and I do get some nice ones like one from Sandy who just left a little uplifting comment, sort of neighbourly know...friendly.
I don't want to stop taking speech and all does anyone know how to defend your blogsite against these self-publicising comments? If you do I'd really appreciate it.
btw if your browsing and there is a later comment, say within 2 secs of this'll know what I mean
Celtic Quiz

A clue can be seen on the horizon ;-)
Drop me a comment if you want to guess....good luck!
By the way, I had to wait ages till people stopped walking by and the scene has been slightly enhanced.
NOTHING has been cloned or airbrushed out....that is the scene that I saw...beautiful isn't it?
Even if you were to go there I bet you'd not even notice took me some time to see the potential of the shot...but that's because of the artist in me ;-))